Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Ethics Violations By Ceos - 1197 Words

I chose to do my research paper on the ethics violations by CEOs. How the people that are given trust to grow and develop companies have used their history, greed, power, control, trust and authority over money or property and along with fearlessness, bring down the companies which they have been entrusted with. I was not sure about what the words ethical and unethical really meant. So I defined it! Within this paper I will discuss how some of the biggest companies CEO that was given the opportunity to lead and manage others but instead they take until there were nothing to take leaving owner, employees and consumers out in the cold with nothing to hold on too. Accordingly, Christopher M. Barnes from the website article â€Å"What Does Contemporary science says about ethical leadership?† That if a leader at all levels set the ethical tone for subordinates in their units either by omission or commission and have a significant impact on how their subordinates act and perform. I ndeed, leaders are often the most important source of information that subordinates look to for guidance in their behaviors. Engaging in ethical leadership is among the most important components to leadership. Some people believe that ethical leadership is simply a leader who behaves ethically. Others believe that ethical leadership reveals itself more in the behavior of followers than in that of the leader himself. Accordingly to Forbes CEO are being brought to justice, like Toshiba s chief executive andShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of A Business Leader1268 Words   |  6 Pagesorganization, violate the Uniform Commercial Codes, and ultimately violate the five Biblical ethic principles. Ethical Dilemmas There are various ethical dilemmas that a business leader can engage in. Business leaders who engage in inappropriate relationships with their subordinates demonstrate unethical behavior, and ultimately put the organization in an ethical dilemma. 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