Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Potential Hazards and OHS Measures at an Aircraft Accident site

Question: Discuss about the Potential Hazards and OHS Measures at an Aircraft Accident site. Answer: Introduction: Occupational health safety (OHS) is related to the safety, health, and welfare of the people involved in a work or employment (Mohammadfam, et al., 2017). The guidelines of OHS are identified as a critical public policy issue in Australia since 1970. The objective of the present assignment is to determine the OHS issues associated with the Burketown Queensland, Air Crash which took place today at 10.00 am. The risk assessment, regulations and preventive methods to control the hazards will be mentioned in the assignment. Case description: A chartered Beechcraft 200 super king departed from Perth on 28 July 2017 for Lenora, Western Australia. The aircraft was crashed close to Burketown, Queensland, Australia. When the Air traffic control contacted the pilot, the pilots speech was sluggish and was unable to follow the instruction. The authorities informed that the fight has total eight occupants. While working at aircraft accident sites, the investigators, rescue and search team members may be exposed to potential hazards produced by damaged air craft structures or components and other environmental conditions. It is important to conduct an appropriate risk assessment and follow OHS guideline to reduces the risk of Hazards and ensure the safety of all the people working at the accident site (Quinlan, Hampson, and Gregson, 2013). Assessment: While working at aircraft accident site the investigator should initially carry out the dynamic and generic assessment (Wirawan, 2009). During the dynamic assessment, the investigator will assess the factors related to an accident such as the location of the accident, time and day, obtains the details of the damage caused to the cargo, passengers, crew, pilot, and fuel load. This information is used to identify the risk present at a particular time (Athiniotis, Lombardo, and Clark, 2010). During the Generic assessment, the investigator obtains information to find the possible hazards at the accident site. The data about aircraft type, age, operating category and modification standard is obtained. This information helps the investigator in planning, preparing, training and establishing the level of support and procuring the appropriate equipment to minimize the risk (Athiniotis, Lombardo, and Clark, 2009). OHS issues at the accident site: The potential hazards at the aircraft accident site can be broadly classified into environmental, physical, biological, material and psychological. In the present case study, the investigators have to deal with physical hazards such as fire and flammable substances, stored energy components, pressurized gases. Second, contaminated blood or body fluids of the injured and dead people increase the risk of biological hazards. Third, the mental and metal oxides liberated from the aircraft structures. Fourth, radioactive materials used in aircraft components, and fifth is chemical components present in aircraft (Lindberg, Hansson, Rollenhagen, 2010). Measures to reduce the risk of Hazards: The Australian Transport Safety Bureau Act 2003 and the Directorate of Defence Aviation and Air Force Safety have given few guidelines to reduce the hazards at aircraft accident sites. According to section 19, of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the investigating persons should be properly equipped before entering the accident sites to prevent possible hazards. The fuels used in the aircraft act as the primary source of hazard at the aircraft accident site. Structural fire fighting protective clothing should be used. NFPA 1500 recommends proximity suits can be used for aircraft fire fighting (ien,et al., 2011). Investigators having self-contained breathing apparatus of full-face canister respirators with adequate cartridges can enter the fire is extinguished. Fire fighting foam can be used to suppress composite material. Spray-on acrylic floor wax can be used for long term suppression. However, prolonged exposure to fire fighting agents may cause rashes on the skin and respiratory problems. So, the persons working with these agents should wash their skin and clothing as early as possible (Purser, and McAllister, 2016). To prevent the biological hazards, the investigating personnel should take precautions such as using personal protective equipment which contains a full cover protective suit, latex and work gloves, face masks, goggles, shoe and boot covers, disinfectants and biological hazards disposal bags. These measures prevent the entry of the virus into the mucous members or open cuts. Contaminated clothing and personal equipment should be properly discarded as per the local State requirements (Silei, 2014). Exposed skin should be washed with soap water or chlorine solution (1 part chlorine in 10 parts water). Investigation equipment should be cleaned with soap and water and properly disinfected. It is essential to insure that very few investigators and equipment should be allowed to assess the injured and dead people and biological fluids to minimize the risk of hazard. The ATSB suggests that all the investors and people working at accident sites should receive Hepatitis B and Tetanus toxoid ( Silei, 2014). The metal and metal oxides liberated from aircraft are hazardous to health. So, the investigators should take adequate measures to limit the exposure to the metal oxides and fumes liberated at the accident site. The investigators should enter the accident site from up-wind directions as it will provide exit direction and reduces the risk of hazardous exposure (Silei, 2014). Small quantities of radioactive material are used in few aircraft. These radioactive materials have low specific radioactivity, so they do not cause major risk in the normal state. But, when these radioactive substances are converted to dust due to explosion or fire they create a significant hazard to the people working on the accident site. If the investigators suspect a radiation Hazard at the site of Accident, then they should contact Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) before handling those substances (Sarkar, and Templeton, 2007). The plastic and adhesive substances such as Viton O-rings used in aircraft engines release harmful chemicals and toxic gases such as hydrofluoric acid. It is mandatory that all the people working at accident site wash the exposed area before eating or drinking. In case, any investigator experiences respiratory distress or skin irritation then he or she must be evacuated from the site and HAZMAT procedure should be followed (POLICY, I, 2007). No activity is risk-free, but the risk can be controlled or reduced by taking proper measures. Therefore, effective risk assessment and identification of potential hazards will help the investigators to follow appropriate steps to monitor and prevent the risks. References: Athiniotis, N., Lombardo, D. and Clark, G., 2009. On-site aspects of a major aircraft accident investigation.Engineering Failure Analysis,16(7), pp.2020-2030. Retrieved on 28 July 2017 at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350630709000533 Athiniotis, N., Lombardo, D. and Clark, G., 2010. Scientific analysis methods applied to an investigation of an aircraft accident.Engineering Failure Analysis,17(1), pp.83-91. 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