Sunday, December 29, 2019

Personal Reflection - 1034 Words

Personal Reflection I am very proud of myself for completing my master’s degree this past May. This is my highest educational accomplishment thus far. Also, I feel blessed for my job as a Spanish teacher at Jackson Elementary. Working in a Title I school district has given me the chance to develop new strategies and skills to meet of disadvantaged, at-risk students. Nonetheless, one of my aspirations is also to be an ESL teacher, so I can help English language learners and assist new immigrants with their acculturation process. Additionally, one of my goals is to obtain my Ph.D. with an emphasis in ESL so that I can be properly trained to assist my school district with programs to significantly improve the program for ELLs in my school†¦show more content†¦Both were teachers and then school principals. I saw the change they made in the lives of their students, and that left an impression on me as a young person. Both of my parents taught me that a teacher lives to serve--not only in the classroom but at every opportunity encountered in life. Teaching is one of the most important callings in life. As a Spanish teacher and as an ESL teacher, I feel it is my responsibility to teach students as well as I possibly can. To this end, I see the adherence to the National Standards of teaching a foreign language, as well as ESL teaching guideline/standards, as the key to staying on task, as a teacher. Being principled and ethical in my dealings with my fellow-beings, and with myself is one of my uppermost goals in life. For me to achieve my personal goals, I have to be honest with myself. My parents were the first teachers of ethical principles in my life, and I have always tried to follow their example. A purposeful approach to personal growth through my ongoing coursework is an excellent way forward in my professional career. By staying positive, optimistic and working hard along the way, I know I can achieve my goals. I am very excited about the new material I will learn in my educational pursuit the new challenges and the final reward. Three Areas that I have Learned Develop a time management plan. What works for me is a visual calendar that I place on my refrigeratorShow MoreRelatedPersonal Reflection756 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal reflections are characterized as learning through experience in gaining new insights and changed perception of self and practices. Reflection can be a difficult experience without the support and guidance of an expert (Johns, 2004). This personal reflection presents an exciting opportunity for me to consider how successful my placement in the intermediate care has been in terms of my own personal learning. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Potential Solutions For High Youth Unemployment - 1005 Words

Question How can the high levels of What are potential solutions for high youth unemployment in Australia be solved, and what are its implications on inequality for young Australians? I. Introduction High levels of unemployment have many negative effects, including rising inequality, which is a major issue in developed economies such as Australia (REF). Income, and wealth inequality are the two main types of inequality examined in economics. Income Distribution Income distribution refers to how the total income of a nation is distributed between the population. An economy with high income inequality will have the majority of the income distributed to a minority of the population (REF). Income distribution can be graphically illustrated†¦show more content†¦Economies attempt to maintain unemployment as low as economically sustainable (referred to as the natural rate of unemployment), because high unemployment creates several issues in an economy (REF). Both unemployment and underemployment are heavily linked to high levels of inequality, as such young Australians are more likely to experience inequality (REF). The focus of this inquiry will be on inequality and unemployment in young Australians. II. Issues High unemployment (and underemployment) have several costs on Australian society. One of the key impacts of high unemployment are the heightened levels of inequality (REF). As young Australians experience higher unemployment (and underemployment) than the average Australian, they also experience significantly higher levels of inequality (REF). Economy High levels of youth unemployment (and underemployment), leads to the economy functioning inefficiently (functioning below the Production Possibility Frontier [PPF]) (REF). Furthermore, a high rate of unemployment means that young Australians lack the appropriate skills required in the workforce, thus more time and money is required from the employer to train the young Australians to be able to participate in the workplace (REF). High levels of youth unemployment result in individuals possessing lower disposable incomes, consequently there is lower aggregate demand. As demand for labour is derived demand, the high levels of youth unemployment will resultShow MoreRelatedYouth Unemployment And Its Effects On The Economy990 Words   |  4 PagesSchuberth Mr. Kyle Burkett Level 9 Reading Writing 22 February 2017 Youth in Unemployment in Saudi Arabia Unemployment is a phenomenon that occur in any country across globe. It considers as very essential topic because its effects on the country. The unemployment rate is one of the most prominent issues discussed today by politicians, news commentators, and economists. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Staffing Organisations

Question: Describe about staffing models, legal issues, development of job descriptions and employee turnover rates. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is a formal approach of managing the workforce of an organisation. The various aspects that are covered under human resource management are staffing, workforce planning, compensation and benefits, performance management, career development, etc. In the modern day business world, business organisations are competing on a global scale and can only rely upon their human resources to achieve market competencies. Therefore, human resource management is one the best concepts in the present time that can help organisations in improving their business performance and market position (, 2016). ABC Company is an expanding technology company that has a workforce of 170 employees. It develops and distributes small electronic devices. The company has recently designed and developed small remote surveillance cameras that can be put to use for security purposes. The company has won a government contract that includes supplying of cameras to agencies within the state. The human resource department of the company has been given the responsibility of hiring new staff to fulfil the contract. Therefore, in this assignment, we will discuss the case from human resource managements view point. Staffing Models Staffing models are the ways in which an organisation decides to hire staff for its project or upcoming work. Staffing models can depend from company to company, job profiles and urgency of recruitment. In this case, the two appropriate staffing models would be labour outsource or direct recruitment. Both staffing models are equally good and have importance of their own. In direct recruitment, the company will be able to maintain a better control over the hiring process and can spend more time in selecting the best suitable candidates. On the other hand, outsourcing the labour from job portals is also a good option as it will help the company in saving a lot of time and resources. Using job portals, companies can easily identify candidates with the potential that they are looking for or can invite applications and screen through them easily. Considering that the company has to fulfil the first stage of the contract with the government and has to hire candidates for multiple job profiles, it would be easier to outsource labour on a contract. Legal Issues There are a number of pitfalls that the human resource management team has to avoid while going for a recruitment program. If not properly conducted, a recruitment process can raise a number of legal issues for the company, such as the equal opportunity issue. There are a number of things which the company can stick to, in order to minimise the risks of legal issues and keeping the recruitment process transparent at the same time. Some of the key points are posting the right information and avoiding words that can cause discrimination, avoiding asking for references, carefully conducting the interview, equal and justified pay during the final offer, etc. (, n.d.). Development Of Job Descriptions Job description is defined as the roles or responsibilities that the candidates will have to fulfil when they are selected for that job (, 2016). Developing job description is one of the most important tasks that a human resource management has to do before it even sends out for job invites. The three main tasks that are to be performed for the development of job descriptions are: Research the first step is to research the existing data resources for information about job description for particular job profile Observe the next step is to observe the candidates already working in the organisation and noting down their job duties and responsibilities. Feedback the last step will be to take feedback from the employees about their job duties and responsibilities. Once all the three information sources are consulted, the management can then make necessary amendments and finalize the job descriptions. The job descriptions can be changed or amended only during the time of the above given steps because once the job descriptions are out there is no way to make amendments. Therefore, the company can only make changes during the development phase and can make as many changes it wants to, depending upon the information available and job expectations of the company. Employee Turnover Rates The following methods can be used to bring down the employee turnover rates in a business organisation: Training and development training and development programs are the ones that help the employees in improving their skills and competencies. It helps them in learning new things and building their career path through the things they learn. As they learn new skills and techniques, they can make progress in their careers and can become more competitive. As a result, a company offering regular training and development programs to its employees is always able to bring down the turnover rates. Performance management performance management systems are very effective in fostering a performance oriented environment. It creates a competitive and challenging environment in the workplace and the opportunity of rewards attached with performances increases the interest of the employees in their jobs. Their motivation increases and they tend to stick to their organisations. Thus, the turnover rates come down eventually. Employee engagement employee turnover rates are also high when the employers are not able to engage the employees in their work. If the employees are not engaged with their work or the employer, they feel bored and have a higher tendency to quit. To reduce the employee turnover rates, the employers should ensure that they are able to provide challenging and interesting work opportunities to the employees, which can help in keeping them engaged (Jacobsen, 2016). Conclusion The plans developed above will not just help the company in the recruitment process but will also help the management in avoiding legal issues while recruiting new staff for the project. It will also provide them important information on how to bring down the employee turnover rates and develop job descriptions. References (n.d.). Avoid These 6 Recruiting-Related Legal Issues | Human Resources (HR) Human Resource Management (HRM) - Human Resources IQ. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016]. (n.d.). Avoid These 6 Recruiting-Related Legal Issues | Human Resources (HR) Human Resource Management (HRM) - Human Resources IQ. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016]. M*Modal. (2016). Focus on Staffing: Four Key Staffing Models Leading Up to ICD-10 - M*Modal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Human Resource Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016]. Jacobsen, D. (2016). 12 Tips to Reduce Employee Turnover | Globoforce Blog. [online] Employee Engagement and Recognition | Globoforce Blog. Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016]. (2016). What is job description? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jul. 2016].